Archers management team hold a diverse and comprehensive knowledge base and the business Partners personally manage each office on a day-to-day basis. Our reputation for being transparent, reliable and educated professionals ensures the highest quality of support and service for all your strata needs. All strata managers and staff participate in extensive professional development and training programs and are members of the peak industry body, Strata Community Association (QLD).

Stephen McCulloch

Stephen McCulloch


Stephen McCulloch


Stephen is an experienced Strata Manager who has been with Archers since 2007. He currently manages the Archers North Queensland office - Cairns & Townsville. With a strong legal background in Litigation, Commercial Law, Property and Body Corporate Law - Stephen brings a wealth of knowledge and a high level of professionalism to the team.

Appointed to the Executive Management Team in 2013, Stephen is an integral part of the Archers team and assists in making decisions that will benefit all clients.


  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Certificate IV in Property Services (Operations)


  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Australia
  • Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
  • Certified Strata Community Manager of Strata Community Association QLD (SCA)
  • Australian Resident Accommodation Managers Association (ARAMA)
  • Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA)
  • Cairns Chamber of Commerce
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