Archers the Strata Professionals is a leading body corporate management company providing trusted body corporate consultancy and administration services to Queensland for more than 30 years. Archers the Strata Professionals regularly comment in both national and state media on topics of interest to residents, investors, owners and managers of body corporate properties. For all media enquiries please contact Archers director, Grant Mifsud on 0458 272 525.

Tips for the new Financial Year

Tips for the new Financial Year

June 28, 2022

As we head into a new financial year and Christmas rapidly approaches it is important to set yourself up financially and budget for expenses you don’t often think about – like body corporate fees. If you own an...
Pool Safety Tips After a Storm Or Flood

Pool Safety Tips After a Storm Or Flood

March 16, 2022

The effects of excess water after a storm or flood can have a significant impact on your pool’s structure and water chemistry. Along with the usual culprits that accompany heavy rain, such as debris, dirt, overfl...
Why Body Corporate meetings can go wrong.

Why Body Corporate meetings can go wrong.

March 9, 2022

The dynamic of a Body Corporate meeting can vary greatly depending on the members present. If you have ever left a meeting wondering what just happened, you might enjoy this article. Forget a path with no end, is t...
Happy holidays from the team

Happy holidays from the team

December 22, 2021

Smart Strata and our foundation partners Archers the Strata Professionals, Strata Compliance Solutions, Marsh Advantage Insurance and ARC Utilities Management wish you a wonderful holiday season. 2021 has certainly...
Committee Meetings in COVID times

Committee Meetings in COVID times

December 22, 2021

Daily news broadcasts mean that we are continually provided with the latest on COVID cases, new strains and health guidelines.  The news can be overwhelming to say the least, however these are the times that we li...
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