
Online Voting Education

June 11, 2021

Last year we introduced online voting capabilities to provide a compliant option to conform with the COVID-19 Emergency Response Legislation, which modified strata meeting processes during restrictions.

Effective use of electronic meetings and online voting including the difference between the two was explained in an article provided by online voting platform service providers we utilise, StrataVote. Further legislative change came into effect on 1 March 2021 adopting long term electronic meeting and voting processes which have since become the new way strata meetings are held, even when restrictions are not in place.

The next evolution of electronic voting bringing together video conferencing and electronic voting to a single platform, Strata Vote Anywhere has now been developed. This upgrade to the existing online voting platform allows for pre-voting, two way communication and remote live voting from your computer or mobile device regardless of your location.  Be sure to look out for the link to join your next meeting using this next evolution for strata property owners to make strata meetings simple!

Click here for our guide on attending meetings and voting using Strata Vote Anywhere.

And here is a guide on how not to hold online meetings. Enjoy!

Hyperbole Towers – an audio strata sitcom | FLAT CHATFLAT CHAT ( featuring a cameo guest appearance by star of stage and screen Todd McKenney.

This article was contributed by Patrice Armagnacq, Operations Manager – Archers the Strata Professionals.

The post Online Voting Education appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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