
Management Rights Reform FAQ’s

December 7, 2022

Enacting change to long-standing practices in any industry is difficult. Even when there is widespread support for sensible reforms, there will always be pockets of resistance. Often this is based on a misunderstanding of what is being proposed, and then misinformation is repeated and amplified by opponents to try to derail a reform process. That’s sadly what we are seeing within our industry right now in relation to the reform agenda for Management Rights.

This is a discussion that has been ongoing in Queensland for at least a decade, and Strata Community Association (SCA) QLD expects it to lead to concrete reforms in 2023. As a result, there is a lot of misinformation being shared around the industry about what is being proposed and what it might mean.
Read on for more details on the current state of play and access to SCA (QLD) FAQs on its reform views.

SCA (Qld) has consulted extensively with members prior to forming a policy position on this matter, including at our “Hackathon” on June 10 this year, to which all principals of member businesses were invited. We’ve also discussed the need for reform at length at SCA (Qld) conferences and events. The Board is very confident that the policy position they have adopted truly reflects the majority view of members.

Of course, in any policy reform discussion, there will be differing views held even by people and groups with similar interests. This is true of the strata management industry. SCA (Qld) certainly respects that not every industry member will endorse our position on this issue. However, an industry association must act in the best interests of the majority of its members in the first instance, and also in the interests of the industry as a whole. We are confidence our position achieves this balance.

To ensure SCA (Qld) members can get the full facts on our position and why we support reform, we have created a page on our website with detailed answers to the most common questions we receive. We will continue to expand this information as the debate proceeds in coming months. This site will be your point of truth in relation to SCA (Qld)’s views on the matter, and for new information as it emerges. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you would like addressed on the site.

This article was contributed by Strata Community Association QLD

The post Management Rights Reform FAQ’s appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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