

April 24, 2024

It’s that time of year again. On 26th March 2024 the Valuer General issued new values for 20 local municipalities in QLD (see below). You should receive these in the mail or by email depending on your choice of service.

Banana Barcoo
Bulloo Bundaberg
Central Highlands Cook
Diamantina Fraser Coast
Gold Coast Goondiwindi
Isaac Livingstone
Longreach Moreton Bay
Redland Somerset
Sunshine Coast Torres
Whitsunday Winton

The Land Valuation Overview Reports for each area can be accessed here

Even if there is no change in the valuation it does not indicate that the value is correct. Some areas might not be valued for a few more years so there will be no opportunity to object until a new valuation is carried out by the Valuer General.

If your local council hasn’t been revalued this year the previous value will still apply and unfortunately you don’t have any fresh objection or appeal rights until it is next valued.

The last day to object is Monday 27th May 2024. After this date there will be no further chance to object.

You can look up your new valuation using the links below.

This article was contributed by Neil Murphy from Savills Queensland Statutory Valuations.

The post LAND VALUATIONS ISSUED appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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