
COVID-19 – Restrictions Return For Private and Public Gatherings

August 28, 2020

As of Saturday 22 August 2020, some COVID-19 related gathering restrictions in Queensland have been reinstated as a result of recent developments. These restrictions only apply to gatherings in private residences and public spaces, which includes bodies corporate, not businesses or parts of communal spaces that may operate under COVID-Safe plans. Gatherings are now limited to 10 people in the following Local Government Areas: Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay and Redlands. All other parts of the state are limited to 30 people in homes and public spaces, including body corporate premises.

Our revised Best Practice Guide for bodies corporate includes directions and recommendations to abiding by new restrictions and ensuring all owners and residents are aware of the new restrictions.


Best Practice Guide – Stage 3 Revised

Which Local Government Area is my scheme in?


Snapshot of changes to Stage 3 restrictions

  • All private residences and public spaces have restricted visitor numbers across Queensland.
    • No more than 10 people in a gathering in Local Government Areas of Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan City, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay and Redlands
    • No more than 30 people in any gathering in all other Queensland Local Government Areas
  • All businesses or parts of the body corporate operating under COVID-Safe plans are to operate as per plans
  • Pools:
    • Indoor Pools continue to operate under the Swimming Pool and Aquatic Centre Industry COVID-Safe Plan with no more than one person per 2 square metres or a maximum of 50 individuals whichever is the lesser (below 200 sqm total pool area); one person per 4 square metres for venues larger than 200 square metres
    • Outdoor Pool capacity to be based on physical distancing requirements of 1.5m
  • Gyms continue to operate under the Fitness Industry COVID-Safe Plan with 1 person per 2 square metres permitted (venues under 200sqm, maximum 50 persons), or 1 person per 4 square metres (venues 200sqm or more)
  • Spas/saunas require a COVID-Safe Plan in place
  • “Transiting places” such as reception and hallways continue to have a maximum capacity of one person per 2 square metres (under 200 square metres and maximum 50 people) and one person per square metre in spaces over 200 square metres
  • Physical distancing continues to be the pillar of COVID-Safety.


View the Industry COVID-Safe Plans


This article was first published by the Strata Community Association (Qld) on August 25 2020

The post COVID-19 – Restrictions Return For Private and Public Gatherings appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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