
COVID-19 Emergency Provisions Extended

September 22, 2021

COVID-19 Emergency Legislation Provisions extended for bodies corporate until 30 April 2022

SCA (Qld) confirms that all of the temporary COVID-19 measures currently in force to assist bodies corporate and unit owners to respond to the impacts of the COVID-19 emergency are drafted so that they expire on the COVID-19 legislation expiry day. In relation to the temporary financial relief measures currently in force under the BCCM Act (sections 323A to 323I), section 323I provides for the expiry date for these temporary financial relief measures (the expiry date is the COVID-19 legislation expiry day). The COVID-19 legislation expiry day is currently defined to mean the earlier of:

  • 30 April 2022; or
  • another day prescribed by regulation as the COVID-19 legislation expiry day.

All temporary COVID-19 measures currently in place for bodies corporate until 30 April 2022 are as follows:

  • chapter 7, part 3 of the BCCM Act (financial relief measures for bodies corporate regulated under the BCCM Act)
  • part 6A of the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 (BUGT Act) (financial relief measure for bodies corporate regulated under the BUGT Act)
  • part 2 of the Justice Legislation (COVID-19 Emergency Response—Community Titles Schemes and Other Matters) Regulation 2020 (measures to provide bodies corporate regulated under the BCCM Act and BUGT Act with flexibility to adopt modified arrangements for meetings and inspection of documents)
  • provisions titled “Further exception to restricted issues for committee—COVID-19 public health directions” in each of the Accommodation Module 2020, Commercial Module 2020, Small Schemes Module 2020 and Standard Module 2020 (measures to allow committees to make decisions about the use of common property and body corporate assets to ensure compliance with public health directions).

Read the full COVID-19 Provisions for Community Title Schemes here.


This article was contributed by Strata Community Association (QLD).

The post COVID-19 Emergency Provisions Extended appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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