

June 8, 2023

This week saw the last stop of our Community Education Seminars, finishing up at the Greek Club in Brisbane.

Like the previous Southeast Queensland seminars, the presentation was received well by all in attendance. Wayne Hewitt – Archers the Strata Professionals, Tony Francis – StrataEV, Jenny Strong – Macquarie Bank, Frank Higginson – Hynes Legal, all took to the stage to deliver a clean and concise message focused on Electric Vehicle Readiness and Capital Funding advice for, what looks like an  inevitability within a strata scheme.

We were thrilled to have an incredible panel of presenters and a wide range of exhibitor partners which delivered high attendance at all locations. This seminar series saw over 400 registrations come through, a clear message from the community that further education is needed for this topic. The feedback rated the seminars 8.5/10 across the board on the quality of content, relevant topics, presentation, and exhibitor/ suppliers.

It was also great to see that there were multiple occasions where the attendee’s first indicated that they believed the presentations expanded their knowledge and understanding of the topic. For us here at Smart Strata, that is the best feedback that we can receive, being about to provide the Strata community with the education to make informed and considered decisions is our ultimate objective.

To gauge audience opinion if they think their strata scheme will need EV infrastructure over the next 5 years, we collated feedback on this question during each session.

At the Gold Coast, the audience view was 13% in agreement that they will need EV infrastructure within the next 5 years, 10% disagreed and 27% were undecided. So, the overall opinion at this event was that most people were undecided due to concerns about future costs.

The Brisbane session results displayed a different outcome. The audience view was 27% agreed they will, 8% disagreed and 7.5% were undecided. So, the overall opinion at this event was most people were in agreement that EV infrastructure would be needed within the next 5 years in their buildings.

The Sunshine Coast results all displayed similar trends to Brisbane with the audience at 28%, agreeing they will need EV infrastructure, 6.5% disagreed and 13% were undecided.

Two other important questions were asked with the first being, ‘has your strata scheme investigated electrical capacity requirements for EV Charging’. Across the board in all 3 regions, 20% of the audience said yes, they have started investigations, 19% of the audience have not and only 3% were undecided at this stage.

Final question was ‘do you have safety concerns’ and once again across all 3 regions 28% did have safety concerns, 10% do not and only 3% of the audience were unsure about the safety concerns involved with EV charging.

When averaging the percentages for the entire series, it is clear that the majority believe EV charging infrastructure will be required in strata communities over the next 5 years. However, as each building is unique and seeking professional advice prior to making any decisions will be pivotal in tailoring solutions for Electric Vehicle readiness.

The winners for SEQ from successfully completing the supplier passports are:

  • Gold Coast – P Shiels, Harmony Broadwater
  • Brisbane – I.Verlegh, Riviera Southbank
  • Sunshine Coast – B.Baker, Alex Seaside

Again, a big thank you to all our Exhibitors who got involved.

With all that said, it is now time to close off on the Strata Community Education Seminar series May / June 2023.  It has been an absolute pleasure to not only help educate and inform but also to learn with you all. A final thank-you to all involved and we look forward to seeing you all at our next seminar series in October.

This article has been contributed by Smart Strata.

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