

May 4, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of providing a training session to Strata Community Association QLD members, consisting mostly of active strata managers who are required to undergo continuing professional development to maintain their industry accreditation. We enthusiastically explored the history of the Act and associated regulation modules, we looked at how community management statements work (and don’t work) and we delved into exclusive use sketches and survey plans.

Because the session was so well received by those members at the coalface of strata, I have been asked to share the slides with the wider strata audience.

SCA (Qld) PowerPoint – How to Read and Interpret Legislation

Happy reading!

Article Contributed by Andrew Suttie, Stratify Legal 

The post READING LEGISLATION, CMS & PLANS – TIPS & TRICKS appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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