

October 24, 2023

Living in a strata community offers numerous benefits, such as shared amenities, cost-effective maintenance, and a readymade community of neighbours.

Life in a Strata community it not always sunshine and rainbows as it also presents unique challenges that can disrupt harmony among occupants. Most purchasers or renters coming into a strata community for the first time are not aware of their responsibilities and how to conduct themselves in this type of community living.   Fostering a sense of community is vital for harmonious living in strata communities.

Read on for top tips when residing in a strata community.

  1. Be aware

Review your scheme’s by-laws so you’re fully informed of your rights and your responsibilities. If you’re buying into a scheme, review the records of the owners committee so you know the finances and any issues they may be facing.

  1. Be involved

Take an active interest in what goes on in your scheme. Attend committee meetings where decisions are made and make your vote count. Use your proxy if you can’t attend. Ensure that insurance is adequate, and that the sinking fund matches the long-term maintenance planned for the next few years.

  1. Budget for levies

Each quarter it is likely you will need to pay levies to fund your share of the annual running costs of the bodies corporation and maintenance. Occasionally, additional special levies may need to be imposed to fund unexpected or especially expensive maintenance, or for other reasons. So ensure you make allowance for these in your personal budgeting.

  1. Protect your investment

Maintain common property. If it’s getting run down, notify your committee with a request for specific works to be discussed, planned and budgeted for.

  1. Be respectful

Seek approval before altering any common property. It doesn’t matter that it’s your courtyard, it may be common property, may need approval.

  1. Be empathetic

Understand that your neighbour may be on the other side of your living room or bedroom wall, so be mindful of others. Noise is annoying – as is taking up visitor parking with your vehicles.

  1. Talk first

Talk to your neighbours if there is a problem. They may not realise their actions are causing a nuisance.

  1. Be flexible

There may be times you need to give a little more leeway to accommodate different personalities.


You will see from these tips, that communication and education specific to your body corporate are key to living harmoniously in strata communicates.  If you want to know more, visit our FAQ’s Here for answers to common questions. Committee members are also encouraged to learn more about their role and can easily do this by completing a quick Course Here.

Article contributed by Warren Wagland, Strata Consultant – Archers the Strata Professionals

The post COMMUNITY LIVING TIPS appeared first on Smart Strata | Body Corporate Management.

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