February 8, 2024
A big thank you to the 117 subscribers who took the time out of your busy schedules to complete the Committee Course Challenge. It was great to see so many participants eager to learn the purpose of a Body Corporate Committee in Queensland, how the Committee is elected and how they function.
If you would still like to participate in The Body Corporate Committee in Queensland course, you can do so by clicking HERE. We have made this course completely free and is a great resource if you are a Committee Member already, wanting to be on the Committee or simply want to know more about how a Committee is correctly structured and roles they play.
The results have shown a diverse range of interest within the Strata communities, and asked 20 multiple choice questions after a 1-page breakdown on the Committee roles and responsibilities.
The Committee Board
The Committee consists of the following positions:
Role of the Committee
A Body Corporate must have a Committee, the Committee is chosen at the Annual General Meeting.
The course then explains Nominations for Committee Positions and what each role entails for each of the positions listed below;
Executive positions
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
1 person can hold 1, 2 or all 3 Executive positions.
Ordinary Members
- Entire committee must consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 Voting Members with all executive positions filled
- Non-Voting Members – Resident Unit Managers (RUM’s) and Body Corporate Managers (BCM’s) – automatically elected when engaged
- Small schemes have different rules that apply
Now onto the exciting part! Subscribers who completed our Committee Course Challenge and passed, went into the draw to win a Google bonanza.
Congratulations to the winner of this prize: Cathy J. from Port Douglas, your Google Nest Hub 2nd Gen Smart Display & Chromecast with Google TV (4K) is ready and waiting!
Again, we thank you all for your input, it is greatly appreciated.
At Smart Strata our goal is to provide the latest strata news and events, the best educational tools on the market and to be the most informative resource in the Body Corporate industry. We pride ourselves on delivering timely, relevant and educational information to connect the strata community.
We are looking forward to a big year ahead covering the issues that matter to you most!
This article was contributed by Smart Strata
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